Is HVAC Better Than Welding?

When it comes to different manual labor jobs that require technical skills, you should know that there are plenty of such jobs in the market, especially due to the fact that these are the types of jobs that really require the expertise of human hands. In that regard, two examples of such jobs include HVAC technicians and welders, which are pretty good career paths. However, is HVAC better than welding?

Even though HVAC technicians are paid slightly better than welders, there is no career path that is better than the other. It depends almost entirely on your personal preferences because HVAC and welding both require skill, training, and certifications. Neither of the two is better or more difficult than the other.

The thing you need to know is that both HVAC technicians and welders need to go through a good number of processes. That is why neither of the two is better or more difficult than the other when it comes to which one is the superior career path that you need to take. It highly depends on your own preferences, and that is why it is better to know more about these career paths to understand which one to take.

HVAC Technician Overview

What Do Hvac Technicians Do?

One of the most important jobs when it comes to the comfort of most of the households and buildings is the HVAC technician because of how this job is responsible for making sure that our indoor temperature and climate control are working properly. So, if you want your home to stay cool during the summer or warm during the winter, HVAC technicians are there to assist you.

When something goes wrong with the AC or the heating system in your home or in a building, HVAC technicians are there to make sure that the systems are working well again. They make sure that the AC and the heater in homes and buildings are running well enough and are free of any leaks or damages that can prevent them from working smoothly.

The thing about HVAC technicians is that they are most likely great at troubleshooting because much of their job requires them to have a keen eye for detail. In that sense, HVAC technicians should understand how to assess a situation so that it will be easier for them to find out what’s wrong with the indoor climate control system and then perform the necessary repairs or maintenance work required. In that sense, they are not asked to do jobs that are stagnant or repetitive because every situation can be unique in terms of the problems that different air conditions and heaters have.

To be an HVAC technician, you would have to undergo certification exams, even though it isn’t compulsory. It’s just that it will be easier to get hired if you have a certification in HVAC. The more certificates you have, the higher your chances are of landing a good job as an HVAC technician. Meanwhile, depending on where you live, your state’s laws may require you to secure a license before you can practice as an HVAC technician.

What Are The Benefits Of Being An HVAC Technician?

The good thing about being an HVAC technician is that this is a job that is high in demand. There is an expected growth in this industry by 13% by 2028, and that means that this is a field that is still growing. Meanwhile, the pay for an HVAC technician is pretty well, as most HVAC technicians were earning an average of $51,000 in 2019. On top of that, training programs to become an HVAC technician will not take up a lot of time, and that means that there are some technicians that can get certified in a matter of six months.

Welder Overview

What Do Welders Do?

If HVAC technicians are more focused on the climate control systems of homes and commercial buildings, welders are the backbone of many different industries around the world. From construction to manufacturing, welders are usually in demand wherever you go. Of course, welding has been around for a very long time and is very difficult to replace with machines because of how welding requires human skill, precision, and judgment.

Welders are trained to use a lot of different types of tools and techniques that are often used to fuse different metals on structures such as buildings or products like cars and airplanes. That is why welders are so in-demand in a lot of different fields. There are also welders that specialize in different types of welding, depending on what the welder wants to pursue. This is why not every single welder is the same in terms of the skills and specialties that they possess.

Welding may look crude and basic, but you should know that welding requires knowledge, skills, experience, and training. On top of that, welding involves a degree of attention to detail that you don’t normally see in other manual labor crafts. This is why welding isn’t something that is totally easy to do, as plenty of different welders needs to train for a long time to become skilled in their craft.

Those who want to become welders may want to undergo a certification exam handed out by the American Welding Society. While certification may not be necessary to become a welder, most employers will only hire welders that are certified. The more certificates you hold, the better your chances are at advancing your career as a welder. Meanwhile, there are some states (like New York) that will require welders to obtain a license before practicing their craft. 

What Are The Benefits Of Being A Welder?

Welding is actually a well-paying job, as welders earned an average of around $45,000 in 2019. Meanwhile, welding training programs can last for about ten months, depending on the welding school you attend. But while welding training programs aren’t short, they are very affordable and are well-equipped at helping you pass your certification exam.

Is HVAC Better Than Welding?

Now that you know more about what HVAC technicians and welders do and how much they earn, does that mean that working in HVAC is better than welding? Well, not exactly. That’s because both of these jobs require different skills and have different specialties.

In HVAC, the technicians usually work for households and commercial buildings. Their goal is to make sure that the climate control systems are working properly. On the other hand, welding is usually found in any kind of industry because of how welders are required in different types of jobs, such as building or home construction, manufacturing, and other similar industries.

Meanwhile, HVAC technicians are more likely to be troubleshooters and problem solvers. In comparison, welders work from the ground up and are usually involved in creation and construction rather than in maintenance work. This is why HVAC technicians are so different in their approach compared to welders.

So, even though HVAC technicians do earn better than welders, that doesn’t mean that this is necessarily a better field. Remember that welders are highly in demand in a lot of different industries and also have a pretty good career path, depending on the certificates they hold.

As such, everything boils down to your personal preference because HVAC technicians and welders are very different from one another and are difficult to compare. 

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