A fractal is a geometric pattern that repeats itself at an ever-smaller scale. It can be generated by using an arc welder to plot arcs on wood. The arcs are then connected to form the image. So, can you use an arc welder as a fractal generator?
An arc welder can be used as a fractal generator, but high voltage and low amperage are needed, making it fatal. Some people use parts of old electrical devices to improvise and create transformers for their arc welders. A conductive solution is used to complete an electric circuit by providing electrical conductivity.
I will be covering the important aspects of creating fractals on a piece of wood. Note that the arc welder is also called Lichtenberg Figure Generator, and a slight mistake while using this tool can lead to death.
The Wood Burning Art
Burning fractals is a technique that has been recently introduced in the market. It requires precision and a lot of knowledge to create the masterpieces. As a newly introduced technique, standards have not yet been set about Lichtenberg burning, which explains why many fatalities are associated with the art.
Though new in the market, the art was introduced in 1777 by Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. The German scientist was experimenting with high voltage experiments when he discovered this technique. It has since been developed to create what we have today as plasma physics and has inspired modern processes such as laser printing and xerography.
Why Use an Arc Welder?
An arc welder is preferred to a welding machine because it has the right voltage required for creating the fractals. A welding machine produces low voltage and high amperage, making it impossible to create these figures.
Creating fractals is an intricate piece of artwork. To make the right figures, the right voltage and materials are required. An arc welder can be purchased from a store or created using parts of electrical devices like a microwave.
After watching a few videos of people creating fractals, some find the artwork intriguing. To quench their curiosity, they assemble an arc welder from the suggested materials on the videos. Then, they proceed with creating the figures.
How Fractals Are Made Using an Arc Welder
Like I had mentioned, fractal burning is an intricate piece of artwork. Once you have assembled an arc welder, you will have to prepare a surface, usually wood, to make the figures. Baking soda and water are inexpensive ingredients for making a conductive solution.
Hardwood is the best to use for fractals. It can withstand high voltage, unlike softwood which can easily burn from such exposure. But, wood with lighter colors makes more beautiful figures than that with dark hues.
Firstly, wet the wood surface with the water and baking soda solution. Maintain the surface in that condition and start burning the wood with your welder. Electrical charges start forming incredible images.
At first, a small fire can be ignited, which is bound to happen. Switch off the power supply and add more solution to the wood surface to keep it stable and prevent further spread of the fire. At this point, you should be extremely careful because death can occur at a slight mistake.
Once the patterns start forming, the wood is alive, and the arc welder is extremely hot. So, these should not be touched or placed on surfaces that can burn when touched with hot objects. Wood being worked on should be placed on a plastic surface, which should not be larger than the wood.
After creating the fractals, it is recommendable to wash the wood surface to get rid of the charred parts using a soft brush. Then, let the wooden piece completely dry. Buff it with fine sandpaper to make the surface even.
Tip: Use a vinegar-soaked paper towel to clean your fractal if it has stains from the baking soda solution. Allow the fractal to dry before washing to avoid messing with the art.
Safety Precautions to Take While Creating Fractals
Since an arc welder requires high voltage to make the fractals, it is important to be cautious to prevent death. Consider having someone nearby to help you call for help in case of electrocution. They can switch off the power supply and get help from knowledgeable persons.
Wear protective clothing such as welding gloves and insulated shoes. These will absorb electric shock. A face mask will also be handy in preventing inhaling fumes produced when burning the fractals.
If it is your first-time attempt making the fractals, do it under the supervision of an experienced person. If there is no such person around, consider buying the fractals instead of making them while unsupervised. It is a safer option than trying the fatal process alone.
The power supply should be switched off when making adjustments to the wood being worked on and when you are done with the work. It helps prevent getting electrocuted in case of tripping or touching the probes.
Never touch the wood art or the probes when the power supply is on. The surfaces are live, and coming into contact with them can lead to electrocution. When the probes are not in use, they should always be covered and unplugged from the power source.
Do not accept to be supervised by an untrained person while creating fractals. It is because high voltages require special handling and continuous training on how to go about handling such equipment. Otherwise, both of you will be in a dangerous situation where you cannot help each other.
Do you find fractals intriguing and would like to make them in a DIY project? It is possible to create these intricate art pieces using the available materials to improvise an arc welder if you are good with electronics. However, since these materials are often not rated for this type of work, it is recommendable to buy a Lichtenberg machine from a store or have one created for you.